In Columbia Fire Co. - Roseto, PA /*** Slideshow for New Truck ***/ /*** Slideshow for Lent ***/ /*** Slideshow for Big-Time ***/

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2024 Alarms
Jan 2
Feb 13
Mar 3
Apr 5
Total 23

Company Meeting
28 Jun @ 7pm

Training Updates

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Columbia Fire Co. No. 1 has been serving the citizens of Roseto and the surrounding communities for over 100 years. Founded in 1909, the department is located in Northern Northampton County in Pennsylvania. Our membership has always remained ready to respond to any situation through proper training and education. Today, over 30 Active members make up the ranks of our department. We invite you to browse our website and send us an E-mail if you have any questions or need information.

Latest News

N E W     T R U C K !!!

The New 3441 has been delivered and we are currently in the process of outfitting with new equipment.

Columbia Fire Co. No. 1 in Roseto presented its annual scholarships to students from Bangor Area, and Faith Christian High Schools. The awards are presented annually to seniors from each high school and are given in memory of all deceased firefighters. They are presented to the student who best exemplifies the spirit of civic involvement to their community. Each school is given the scholarship criteria and then selects the student from the senior class. 2024 Scholarship Recipients